To strengthen our commitment, we have prepared a well versed and refined curriculum for the tiny tots. Children step into the real world of academics and discipline. Great care is taken in the co-ordination of the faculty so that the foundation is strong and sustainable. A brief introduction to all the subjects is provided and a platform is built for the students to bring out their potential skills.
Subjects:English, Hindi, Sanskrit (Only in V) ,Modern Mathematics, Environment Science, Computer Education, Drawing and Craft ,General Knowledge and moral education.
Subjects: English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Modern Mathematics, General Science, Social Science, General Knowledge, Moral Education, Computer education, Drawing, Painting and Craft.
The students can also choose co-curricular activities based on their aptitude, abilities and liking
Along with the compulsory subjects students get to choose an optional subject. Before opting for any particular field, students are given career counseling where they get a chance to analyze themselves with professional help so that they can focus on the career track of their choice.
Optional Groups:
Classes I toVIII– Whole Session is divided into two terms i.e., April - Sept. and October - March. Therefore there will be two Formatives and one Summative exams will be conducted in each term and on basis of their performance grades will be awarded to them.
Classes IX to XII- There will be two unit tests and one term exam will be conducted in each term to evaluate their performance.